Products from online stores
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels

Special offer for buyers
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels

One-time parcels
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels

Furniture, plumbing, interior
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels

Clothing, shoes, textiles
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels

Servers, IT components
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels

Cosmetics and perfumes
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels

Sports nutrition
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels

Kids toys
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels

Spare parts and equipment
in the shortest possible time with a financial guarantee, we will relieve you from headaches with customs, certification, insurance, with ACCOM you always win
We also deliver single parcels
We will offer the optimal solution
We'll do the calculation in 30 minutes
Capitals Logistics 16:24
Victor 16:31
Capitals Logistics 20:04
Victor 20:15

In the meantime, your cargo is on the wayyou can enjoy our service
To transport cargo, you only need 1 action and 2-3 minutes per day
We take care of everything else and bear financial responsibility for cargo, delays, force majeure
From you 1 action
You can leave a request anywhere on the website or call +7 800 360-45-77
Submit your application
Next we do all the work
Full range of services
Delivery of single loads possible
Repackaging of goods
Risk insurance
Responsible warehousing
Pickup cargo in the USA
Purchase of goods from online auctions and online stores
Cargo consolidation
Completed projects
We cannot make all projects publicly available because we signed an NDA (?) but here are a few tasks that we are proud of
We work with any volume, from 40kg. to cargo worth millions of euros

Abramova Victoria
Account Manager
And if there is no question, please start with calculation cost